Promise Project Map
Help Us Discover the Names of Women on the First Transport to Auschwitz
We are slowly building a map that reflects where the women who were included in the first transport to Auschwitz were from and what happened to them. To have yours, or a family member’s details added to the list, please complete the Promise Project Form and we will do the rest.
Please click here to see the PROMISE PROJECT MAP.

Adela Gross was on the First Transport, we only JUST discovered her story
In March 2012, the surviving family of Adela Gross found their cousin's story in Rena's Promise (Rena knew Adela in Hummene). For the family, her story had been a mystery for 70 years. She was taken by the RHSA one day and no one knew what happened to her. Now we know how she came to be on the first transport and they know what happened to her in Auschwitz. How she died and why.
We dedicate this project to Adela Gross and all the young women who disappeared into Auschwitz on March 26 1942.
This form is designed to make them reappear by recreating the list of names and women on the First Registered Transport to Auschwitz.
Please fill this form out ONLY if you have personal information about anyone on the First Registered Transport.
First Registered Transport - Give these Women their place in History.
If you were or you know someone who was on the first registered Jewish transport from Poprad, Slovakia, in March 1942, Please help us recreate the names of those people, by submitting this information through this form. The records of these women were destroyed and all we have left are survivors and family of survivors. If you are a survivor and know only #s of those on transport and you know what happened to them, that is also vital information. All info will be shared w/ USC Shoah Foundation. And included in upcoming book on the first transport of women.
Please click here to fill the form out.